Accepting Death
And so, on this day, I fill that hollow space in my chest with heat from a thousand thousand thousand suns:
And so, on this day, I fill that hollow space in my chest with heat from a thousand thousand thousand suns:
How much more could we be if we stopped building walls and started to reach out to one another? How much more could we do if we fed our more curious nature rather than our more craven one?
These are hard times. In the United States, and around the world, people are turning toward their darker selves, shoring up their own walls—metaphorical and real. In the United States and around the world, people are letting themselves be guided by fear. As a result, people are becoming more extreme… Read More
Remember Anita Hill? I do. She was the woman that broke down the padlocked door on the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace. And she did it on national television, in front of the senate judiciary committee who was taking testimony on the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. This… Read More