We got the call at 9:15 last night. It was a recording from the principal of my son’s middle school. “Excuse the lateness of this call, but I think it’s important you know that yesterday after school one student reported hearing another talk about bringing a gun in tomorrow.” The… Read More
You are going to buy books for the holidays, right? Lots of books—hard bound, paper back, but books you can actually close with a thump, write on, take into the tub. Books which can prop open doors, or simply be stacked into avant garde furniture. Coffee tables made out of… Read More
Today, on the Daily Challenge, I was asked to list three important gifts I have received from friends or family that have helped shape me. It was a good exercise. So tell me, what three gifts have you received that have helped shape you? Here are mine: I have received… Read More
I have been in the Forgiveness Business for quite some time now. In my world view, instead of governments encouraging victims of crime to seek retribution, they would provide the resources needed to find reconciliation and wholeness. Perpetrators would not be thrown into cells with little hope of emerging sane… Read More
I am preparing for my talk at Ted X Bellingham entitled, “Remember to Live.” It is drawn from words Kaitlin Kenny had written in her river journal through the Grand Canyon. The phrase, on its face, may seem sad given that Kaitlin died on that trip. But there is also… Read More
Grand Canyon overlooking Indian Garden at Bright Angel Trail 10/10/13 Arizona Governor Jan Brewer just announced she has reached a deal with the Federal Government, and Grand Canyon National Park will reopen tomorrow. As part of the agreement, the state of Arizona will pay $651,000 to cover the costs of… Read More
At noon today, Oct 11, 2013, the Eleventh day of the Government Shutdown, St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance out of Phoenix, AZ delivered 60,000 pounds of food to the residents of Grand Canyon National Park. Because of the Government Shutdown, almost 98 percent of the community is unemployed. What people… Read More
First Snow, Grand Canyon – 10/10/13 – 10th day of Government Shutdown Woke to snow. Three, maybe four inches. I dress. Go out. And a coyote walks across my path And an elk brushes his rack against a tree And a rabbit skitters under a bush. I stop and look… Read More
Grand Canyon Shutdown Day 9 – no one at Mather Point Inside Grand Canyon National Park the wind is blowing. It whips through trees, rattles leaves, blows grit across the paths. Empty paths. Empty silent paths, except for the moan of the wind and the caw of an occasional raven…. Read More
I arrived at the South Gate of Grand Canyon just as a protest began. Business owners and employees from the town of Tusayan, park concession staff, and tourists gathered at the gate to hear why park Superintendent Dave Uberuaga is not able to re-open the park.