Looking through the window at the trees and the fog. The flush of new grass that comes when these Pacific rains return. Peaceful rains. Feeding the thin strip of green which clings to the western coast. An eyebrow of green. A parenthesis. A lover spooned against a mountain range and… Read More
One year ago. Middle of a month long journey. 290 miles on the Colorado River’s cold, red-silt water. 290 miles of a canyon spanning back 1.8 billion years. 30 days of wonder and delight. 30 nights of watching the moon grow full and then wane. Falling stars, shooting rapids, climbing… Read More
There is a place in the Grand Canyon called Red Wall Cavern. It is this place, featured in these pictures taken early on in my trip through the Grand Canyon last winter. When John Wesley Powell first saw the cavern on his expedition down the river, the one-armed explorer thought… Read More
Dear President Elect Donald Trump, I know how you can become one of the greatest presidents in US history. It is simple. It is straightforward, and it is something only YOU can do. Not Hillary Clinton. Not Paul Ryan. Not Mike Pence. YOU. Here’s how. 1) Forget about making friends…. Read More
By standing against what is wrong and saying it is wrong with firmness and kindness.
By honoring facts, not distorting them.
By holding hands.
These are hard times. In the United States, and around the world, people are turning toward their darker selves, shoring up their own walls—metaphorical and real. In the United States and around the world, people are letting themselves be guided by fear. As a result, people are becoming more extreme… Read More
Remember Anita Hill? I do. She was the woman that broke down the padlocked door on the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace. And she did it on national television, in front of the senate judiciary committee who was taking testimony on the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. This… Read More
While on my way to Table Rock Wilderness Sunday, I took a wrong turn. Instead of continuing straight on the somewhat paved mountain road, I turned right, onto a gravel road which quickly deteriorated to a mud road. Immediately, I felt I was in unknown territory, but I doubted my… Read More
You know what really pisses me off about the whole “Women should be punished” for having an abortion comment made by Donald Trump to MSNBC’s Chris Mathews? It’s all these pro-lifers who have come out screaming about how terrible of a thing that was to say. These women are “victims”… Read More
March 20, 2016 Dear Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, I don’t care what mental gymnastics you have done to decide it is somehow better for the Nation to postpone a hearing and vote on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, but I must respectfully disagree. Your action, or rather,… Read More