Can America Heal?
Never in the four years of the Trump administration did I imagine our sides engaging in a war. Rhetorical sparring, sure. But not physical combat.
Never in the four years of the Trump administration did I imagine our sides engaging in a war. Rhetorical sparring, sure. But not physical combat.
The lists goes on and on. A long miserable soliloquy that is really only a fraction of the names that it could be. A list that leans back to the first time black people stepped onto this soil and were bought and sold on a block. No thought to their needs. Their pain. Their humanity.
And now we have his flaccid response to the Corona Crisis. The mish-mosh of declarations, proclamations, denunciations, and weak-kneed applications of assistance and action has been an abdication of Trump’s duty and power as a President.
Seven minutes. Take seven minutes and watch the film below. It will either scare the hell out of you, or give you a feeling of righteousness and moral vindication. If you feel the later, you are part of the reason I find this film so disturbing. The short movie, A… Read More
General Kelly may bemoan that little is held sacred these days, but where he should be most concerned in in the corruption of the very doctrine he sent men into battle to fight for.
According to The Guardian magazine, “Poor Little Snowflake” is the defining insult of 2016. The term emerged out of Brexit and the US election and is mainly lobbed by the right at what they consider to be the thin-skinned behavior and comments of the left. In September, the Guardian article… Read More